Prayer Changes Us

We often think prayer changes God. This simply isn’t the case. Prayer changes us. When we spend time with God, He is working to change our hearts to be more like His heart. The more time we spend with Him, the more we are like Him. Our habits and lifestyles change. We no longer live a self-centered life, but one that is focused on others with a pure and sincere heart. Prayer changes us inside out.

Importance of Prayer

Prayer is the time when a person connects with God in an intimate exchange and feels close to Him. As God is everywhere, it is easy to connect with Him in prayer wherever we are.
This encourages us to pray.

If you need someone to pray and intercede for you or your family,  we are here for you and want to know how we can pray for you.

“And all things you ask in prayer, believing, you will receive.” Matthew 21:22

About Us

We are a nonprofit organization with a board of believers from many different churches around the world have been connected via a prayer line since 2007. We listened to God’s call to begin prayer revival events all around the world. Those Prayer revival events are impacting millions of lives during the event through the worship teams, ministers, and the prayer team.
All revivals are broadcasted.

Our Vision

Our vision is to help every believer to stand in the gap and pray, to unit with members of the Body of Christ everywhere, and to pray continuously for the church and the world
“First of all, then, I urge that entreaties and prayers, petitions and thanksgivings, be made on behalf of all men, for kings and all who are in authority, so that we may lead a tranquil and quiet life in all godliness and dignity.” 

1 Tim 2:1–2

Our mission is to pray daily with groups of people from all around the world via voice communications and to the unit with pastors and spiritual leaders in continuous prayers for spiritual gatherings and conferences

Our Mission

“But I am in prayer” Psalms 109:4

Dr. Ramez Samuel

Founder and the Lead Pastor of the 24-7 international ministry. He graduated from Medical school in 1993. He came to the USA in 1996 and done with his residency in 2001. In 2007, God put a vision for him to do conference calls with a group of believers to pray together in Arabic for the nations. The ministry kept growing and there are Arabic prayer conferences every day all over the world. In 2016, God stirred up his heart to have physical prayer conferences in addition to the conference calls. A lot of people accepted Jesus as their savior on those prayer conferences. Prayer conferences are still going on every year since 2016.
In 2018, Dr.Ramez started a Revive International Ministry with American churches and other international churches. There are weekly meetings where pastors and ministers are connected to pray together for the nation. His role is to oversee the ministry to let it grow and to equip leaders who will disciple people to advance the prayer ministry culture across the globe.
In 2020, he finished his credentials to be a pastor and he is still a physician. 

Dr. Ramez’s passion to see many souls be saved, to teach people how prayer becomes a habit in their lives, and to advance the prayer culture across the globe.